The downloads component is to be used when displaying a list of downloadable, supporting content for the current page.
If you are using downloads, remember to include the script at the bottom of this page.
<div class="downloads">
<div class="element--inner">
<h4 class="heading contact-links__heading">Downloads</h4>
<ul class="link-items" style="padding:0;">
<li class="link-items__link link-items__link--download">
<a href="/"><i class="fas fa-file-download"></i>Application for a birth certificate</a></li>
When to use this
- This component must be used inside an aside tag as it is placed in a sidebar
- you have a multiple list of downloads or;
- a list will have a list of downloads over time.
When not to use this
You should not use this component if you are trying to display a lot of links in a sidebar.