How do libraries support digital inclusion?

Staple Hill library - getting online

The library service in South Gloucestershire delivers a range of services to support people getting online. In 2015/16 the service provided 137,000 hours of online usage with the most popular reasons for using IT at libraries being health, job hunting, learning, communication and housing.

All libraries provide free access to computers with Microsoft Office™ (2013) and a range of the most commonly used software. There is also free Wi-Fi, scanning facilities, books/manuals for users to gain skills and staff/volunteer supported sessions to help people to get online or to assist with their questions in conjunction with the excellent learn my way website.

Training is delivered in the library IT suites which are available to be used by other groups for delivering training. Many of the South Gloucestershire Community Learning courses for example take place at libraries. To discuss hiring the suite for training please contact your local library.

In addition to the loan of hardcopy materials the library service provides a range of online resources including a variety of magazines which are free to download. These cover a wide range of subjects such as history, crafts and health with digital themed publications such as WebUser and even Pokémon Go® magazine! Newspapers, eBooks and eAudiobooks are also available online.

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