Charles James Hughes

Memorial: Hallen - Hallen Road

Regiment: Gloucestershire Regiment

Medals: 1914–15 Star, British War Medal, Silver War Badge, Victory Medal

Rank and number: Private 9987

Parents: Charlotte Hughes

Home address: Sampsons Farm, Hallen

Pre-war occupation: Farm Labourer for Mr Arthur Weaver

Date of birth: 1896

Place of birth: Tytherington

Date of death: 09/10/1915

Buried/Commemorated at: Buried at Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. Commemorated at Hallen Road Memorial

Age: 19

Further information:

Charles was born in Tytherington and he and his single mother became pauper inmates at Thornbury Union Workhouse. He was left there orphaned and was educated and lived in the workhouse until he reached working age. In 1910 at the age of 14, he went to work at Sampsons Farm for Mr Arthur Weaver.

Charles joined the 1st Battalion, Gloucester Regiment in July 1914, a month before the outbreak of war. In August his battalion mobilised for war and landed at Havre where the Division engaged in various actions on the Western Front including The Battle of Mons and the subsequent retreat, The Battle of the Marne and the First Battle of Ypres. In May 1915 Charles was at Sampsons Farm for nearly a month on sick leave, as he had no other home. He returned to the front and died in hospital on the 9th October 1915, from wounds received the previous night during The Battle of Loos (25 September – 8 October 1915) which was a German victory at a cost of 59,000 casualties.

By kind permission, this information is based on the following source(s):

This information has been provided by Sarah Hands, Volunteer Researcher for the South Gloucestershire War Memorials Web Site.
By kind permission, this information is based on the following source(s):