Nicholas Knight Richardson

Memorial: Thornbury & District Museum: 6th Maritime Regiment Memorial

Regiment: 6th Maritime Regiment

Medals: 1939–45 Star, War Medal 1939–1945

Rank and number: Gunner

Parents: Robert Flint and Jane Elizabeth Richardson

Marital status: Married

Home address: South Shields

Pre-war occupation: Soldier

Date of birth: 21/02/1920

Place of birth: South Shields, Co Durham

Date of death: 21/06/1943

Buried/Commemorated at: Died at sea and commemorated Plymouth Naval Memorial Devon and the Maritime Memorial Thornbury

Age: 23

Further information:

On the day of his death, Nicholas was serving aboard the British Steam Merchant, ‘Brinkburn’, which was part of convoy TE-22 on route from Gibraltar to Philipville (Skikda) Algeria, carrying a cargo 2500 tons of government stores, including 800 tons of ammunition. At 09.30 hours on 21 June 1943, the Brinkburn was hit by two torpedoes from U-boat U-73. The vessel exploded and sank immediately west of Algiers. The master, 21 crew members and seven gunners, including Nicholas, were lost, but one crew member and one gunner were rescued and landed at Algiers.

By kind permission, this information is based on the following source(s):

This information has been provided by Sarah Hands, Volunteer Researcher for the South Gloucestershire War Memorials Web Site.
By kind permission, this information is based on the following source(s):