Local students gain employability skills at South Gloucestershire Business Show

Councillor Tyrrell and some of The Castle School students

The 2024 South Gloucestershire Business Show (SGBS24) took place on 19 and 20 November and this year was themed around young talent and employability, shining a spotlight on the next generation of local professionals.

The annual event took place at Thornbury Leisure Centre & Conference Centre for the first time and highlighted the council’s commitment to empowering young people and fostering collaboration with local businesses.

A key highlight of this year’s show was an employability event hosted by South Gloucestershire Council in collaboration with local employers, aimed at preparing students for the working world. Ninety Year 10 students from The Castle School in Thornbury took part in activities such as mock interviews, apprenticeship guidance, and work experience tips. Volunteers from leading local organisations facilitated each activity, with representatives including Airbus, COWI, Barratt Homes, Renishaw, The HR Dept, Cool Ventures, The Circadian Trust, SGS College, and the West of England Combined Authority. The council collaborated with the West of England Combined Authority to develop the event and identify businesses involved in schools work.

The Business Show is a festival of ideas and collaboration for businesses of all sizes. From start-ups to multinationals, the event features live talks and panel discussions, interactive workshops and forums, exhibitions showcasing innovation and networking opportunities.

Leader of South Gloucestershire Council, Councillor Maggie Tyrrell, attended the event and praised the collaborative efforts. She said: “It was great to see local businesses and organisations coming together to support our young people and share their knowledge with them. The students really seemed to enjoy the experience. Hopefully it will inspire careers and help them secure work experience and employment in the future.”

This year marks the first time the Business Show has been held in Thornbury, and the employability event was a new addition to the two-day festival of business and innovation. The initiative reflects South Gloucestershire Council’s commitment to building a skilled and confident future workforce.

The South Gloucestershire Business Show is an annual event showcasing innovation, business growth, and collaboration. Highlights include business breakfasts, an extensive exhibition, and a variety of live events, such as the LIVEtalk programme and workshops.

For more information, please visit the South Gloucestershire Business Show website at www.south-gloucestershire-business-show.co.uk