Carers, dementia and falls prevention: have your say


From Monday 23 May, people in South Gloucestershire are being encouraged to have their say on three draft strategies about carers, dementia and falls prevention.

The Carers Strategy, the Dementia Strategy and the Falls Prevention and Bone Health Strategy will help shape the local health and care system to better support residents. It is vital that everyone shares their views on these three key areas of work which we are working in partnership on with the South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Cllr Ben Stokes, lead member for Adults, Housing and Public Health, said: “In South Gloucestershire we want to make real change for older people over the next three years. Over the summer we are asking for people’s views on three issues that significantly impact on older people’s wellbeing.

“Supporting people at times of greatest need is a priority for both the council and the CCG. These strategies will help the local health and care system better match services for the people who need them.

“We also want to hear from young carers and adults under the age of 50 with caring responsibilities to ask what they think our priorities should be as part of our Carers Strategy. All of the consultation documents can be viewed online at where you will also find details of any consultation events in your area.”

Clinical Chair of the CCG Dr Jon Hayes said: “We want to make real change for older people in South Gloucestershire, and the people who care for them, and so your views on these three strategies will important in helping us perfect them.

“We’ve worked very closely with the council and other partners over the last three years and we’re planning to do even more through our strategies to address dementia and falls among our older people, and our support for the army of unpaid carers in South Gloucestershire who make so many sacrifices for their love of family and friends.”

You can give us your views in the following ways until Monday 22 August:
Call us on 01454 868408 to request a paper copy of the document or email

Write to: FREEPOST Plus RTCT-JXLE-EETT, South Gloucestershire Council, Corporate
Research & Consultation Team, Supporting People to Live Well Consultation, Civic
Centre, High Street, Kingswood, BRISTOL BS15 9TR.