Changes to waste services to keep essential collections operating during COVID-19


South Gloucestershire Council will keep essential waste collections operating, including black bins and recycling, despite the challenges posed by Coronavirus.

Black bins, clinical waste and sharps will all be collected as normal with recycling and food waste changing from weekly to every two weeks, and garden waste and bulky waste collections being temporarily suspended.

As of today (24 March) we have closed all of our Sort It centres and from the 30 March, recycling and food waste collections will be made on the same day as your current black bin collection, until further notice.

The essential changes will help us to keep collecting everyone’s waste and minimise disruption during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Rachael Hunt said: “This is a challenging period but household waste is an essential service and we are doing all we can to ensure we continue to collect everyone’s waste and recycling during the Coronavirus outbreak.

“We are making temporary changes to the way we collect your waste and are introducing measures to make sure we are prepared, ready and can keep delivering essential services for our residents. We will be constantly reviewing the situation, providing regular updates and we thank people for their understanding.”

Full details of the temporary changes are listed below:

From Tuesday 24 March

• All Sort It recycling centres are closed until further notice
• Garden waste renewals and new subscriptions to this service are suspended
• Garden waste collections will continue until Friday 27 March and then stop from Monday 30 March, until further notice, so we can focus on collecting black bin waste and recycling.

From Monday 30 March

• There are no changes to black bin, clinical waste and sharps collections
• Garden waste collections will be suspended until further notice
• Recycling collections will change from weekly to every two weeks and will be on the same day as your black bin
• Food waste will also be collected every two weeks on the same day as your black bin (please continue to put food waste in your food caddy)
• Bulky waste collections will be suspended until further notice
• Waste and recycling collections from properties with communal bins will carry on as normal.

If you are self-isolating because you or a member of your household has Coronavirus, please put personal waste such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths in bin bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin. All other household waste can be disposed of as normal.

Further information for self-isolating households be found at

Please support and protect our staff so they can keep working by following Public Health guidance and staying at least two metres away.

For the latest update on changes to service as a result of coronavirus please visit This is a fast-evolving situation and information may be updated daily.