Full closure of Yate One Stop Shop


In March, we closed all of our One Stop Shop (OSS) sites but continued to carry out emergency and pre-booked essential appointments. After considering the safety of the public and our staff, we’ve decided to fully close the Yate OSS.

Patchway and Kingwood One Stop Shops also remain closed but will continue to carry out emergency and pre-booked appointments e.g. homelessness, foodbanks and welfare support.

Staff from Yate OSS will be redeployed to our central contact centre. Full closure will last until we can re-open which will depend upon government guidance. You can continue to deliver items to the Yate OSS, which will be collected regularly.

In extreme emergencies, our staff will deliver food vouchers directly to residents. We will display key phone numbers, websites and details of local councillors at the Yate OSS. Please share this message where you can.