Learn basic online skills for free at a South Gloucestershire centre

Learning digital skills at a South Gloucestershire Online Centre

South Gloucestershire Council’s Community Learning service are currently running a free 10 week course ‘Digital Skills: IT for life and work’ for adults 19+ with few or no qualifications. The course takes place at Cadbury Heath library for 10 weeks until the 21 March 2017.

Community learning are also meeting with partners Bristol and North Somerset later this month to begin working on a digital project around developing online teaching materials. As part of this work Google Classroom is currently being trialled in some of our South Gloucestershire classes.

There are plenty of other free courses available at South Gloucestershire libraries for anyone looking to discover how being online can really make a difference. Once completed, certificates can be printed as a record of achievement for each course. No computer or technical skills are required to attend the sessions and friendly tutors and staff are always on hand to help out.  Please note that some of these courses require an appointment, if in doubt please ring before attending.

For more details of IT and digital skills courses available in South Gloucestershire centres, go to www.southglos.gov.uk/getdigital. You can find out details of all community learning courses in the area at www.southglos.gov.uk/communitylearning or by contacting Samantha Jones on 01454 865943.