SportsPound digital improvements

SportsPound microsite on a mobile device

SportsPound is an initiative to help 3000 residents change their behaviour and become more active.  There are over 200 weekly physical activities on offer, all of which are free to SportsPound participants. The information about the scheme was originally presented as a single webpage on the South Gloucestershire Council website. The page included static documents listing the activities available and a registration form (word document) which had to be downloaded for completion and returned to the team (via email or post). Once received and processed the SportsPound vouchers were issued.

Based on feedback from users and the project team, it was identified that using an alternative digital platform with additional functionality could improve the service.  A new microsite was developed in-house which included an activity listing, a faceted search and an online registration form. The new site went live in January and has made registration and searching for activities much easier for the user, resulting in double the amount of registrations every month (from 227 in December to more than 500 in January and again in February).

The SportsPound microsite is a clear example of where digital improvements have transformed the user experience, as well as saving a significant amount of officer time with the new online processes and data management.

You can visit the new SportsPound microsite at