A plan for Yate to flourish and prosper – consultation on Masterplan vision and options begins


South Gloucestershire Council, along with our partners, are in the process of developing a Town Improvement Masterplan for Yate, which will set out a long-term, 15–20-year vision for the town.

The Masterplan will be important in helping to shape the future of Yate by setting out how we want to work together to help the town change in that time, for the benefit of new and existing residents and businesses, as well as for the next generation.

All the partners want to build on what is already great about Yate, and the masterplan will seek to make the most of the heritage, social, community and economic opportunities to drive and direct investment in Yate in the coming years.

People and community are at the heart of this vision, as changes in the way we live, work and travel will need to inform how we plan for the future of the largest town in South Gloucestershire. We want to make the most of opportunities, including:
• Managing and directing growth
• Grass roots community engagement
• Promoting more walking and cycling
• Reducing congestion and enhancing air quality
• Meeting the needs of an ageing population
• Creating more opportunities for young people
• Maintaining economic prosperity
• Helping everyone access new jobs, new skills and homes
• Maintaining our existing wildlife and creating new habitats
• Creating new ways for people to enjoy nature by providing better access

We are holding a 12-week public consultation, so that we can hear the community’s views on our draft vision and the options currently being considered. There are four focus areas for the masterplan, covering:
• The town centre
• The railway station and surrounding area
• The industrial estate
• Station Road

The Masterplan also includes a ‘Movement Vision’, which is an ambitious plan to deliver to a step change in the choices people have in the way they travel to, from and within the wider Yate area.

In the autumn of 2020, we held a public engagement process to seek views and ideas on how the town of Yate could thrive into the future, and the role the council and our partners could play in that. This latest consultation will run until 13 September, and we are inviting comments and views on the outline proposals that we think could bring about the positive changes the town needs.

Our dedicated website Shaping a vision for Yate (yatefuture.com), with interactive map, has been updated to enable the local community to view the vision and options for Yate and to offer the opportunity for the public to comment and provide suggestions.

Several recent investments by South Gloucestershire Council demonstrate the ongoing commitment to the town and the Masterplan represents an excellent opportunity to keep up the momentum. For example, work is underway on the £3.6million Yate Park & Ride facility on Badminton Road and the installation of a new cycle lane to connect Yate and Coalpit Heath to the A4174 ring road is also taking place. These two projects will help to alleviate congestion and promote cleaner and active travel for residents in Yate and the surrounding area.

We have also recently completed the purchase of a site on Station Road, occupied by Whirlpool UK Appliances Ltd, and another at 26 North Road, occupied by Yate Disposables Ltd. These are major investments in the town and both purchases have been made on a sale and leaseback agreement with the current occupiers so that they can continue to occupy the sites and trade as normal.

Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure and growth is a priority for the Council and we want to ensure that Yate continues to provide a range of employment for residents to live and work locally.

South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Strategic Infrastructure, Councillor Steve Reade, said: “Yate is our largest town and the Masterplan is an opportunity for us to work closely and constructively with our partners and most importantly the local community to help it achieve its fullest potential over the next 15-20 years.

“I am really pleased that the website will allow residents to see what is being considered, not just to read about it, so that they can give their informed comments to us as we consider how to move forward together.

“There have been so many changes to the ways we live, work and travel over the past 18 months, of course, but the trends towards more sustainable travel, to improving our climate and protecting our environment were already key priorities for us all. I am keen to hear what more ideas local people have to help us build on what we know and adapt as we plan for a town that will flourish and thrive into the future.”

Councillor Chris Wilmore, Member of Yate Town Council and representative on the Masterplan Steering Group, said: “There’s been too little major investment in the town for years and to get the money people want for new facilities. This plan offers a chance of getting that investment. We think there are some really good ideas here. But, like all proposals for major change, there will be bits people like and bits people don’t like. At this stage nothing is set in concrete, so we really want residents to have a look and let us know their vision for the future of our town.”

To request a printed copy of the consultation materials or if you have any questions, please email feedback@yatefuture.com or call 0118 946 7809.