Yate residents asked about travel in the town

A cyclist travels on a cycle path

South Gloucestershire Council is asking people who live in Yate to share their experiences of getting around the town.

Through a new project called Getting About in Yate, the council wants to know how people currently travel around Yate for local journeys such as going to the shops or school and what barriers they face which prevents them from making those journeys on foot, wheeling (use a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushchair) or by bike.

The information gathered will be used to help plan improvements which will make it easier and more pleasant for people to walk, wheel or cycle.

People wanting to contribute to the project are being asked to go online and complete a travel survey. The project also has an interactive map where people can pinpoint specific locations and suggestions for improvements.

The online survey also includes information about a proposed new cycle route linking Yate Railway Station to the north of the town.

Councillor Chris Willmore, cabinet member with responsibility for transport, said: “This is a real opportunity to improve accessibility in Yate. Working together we want to make it easier, safer and more attractive for people to walk, wheel or cycle, especially for those local journeys like going to school or popping to the shops. We also have opportunity to better connect the train station to residents living in the north of Yate.

“We want to hear from the people of Yate because they know their local streets and roads better than we do. They will know where a dropped kerb or extra crossing is needed, or hedges need cutting back or there’s a bollard in the wrong place and so on.

“This funding is limited and can only be spent on supporting active and sustainable travel, so we need to prioritise the right improvements in the right places and that’s where local people come in. We want to know where the barriers are stopping people going about their daily lives.

“It’s a really exciting chance to get some of the things we have all been moaning about for years sorted out. So as a Yate resident, I hope everyone will get involved, to steer how this money is used.”

The scheme is being funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements Fund (CRSTS), administered by the West of England Combined Authority.

The improvements will be focused in areas of Yate where there is greatest potential to make a positive difference, but the council is keen to hear from all Yate residents and people who work in or visit the town.

Feedback gathered through the online survey will be used to produce designs, which will then be the subject to further engagement and consultation with local people later in the year.

To take part, go to www.southglos.gov.uk/getting-about-in-yate

Paper copies of the survey will also be available at Yate Library and Yate One Stop Shop.

The survey closes on Wednesday 10 April.