You can use this Digital Design Manual to help develop your South Gloucestershire service. This ensures that everything we develop is consistent with our Digital guidelines for websites and services.

Getting started

To get started, you will need to use the following assets

  • download our compiled stylesheet (for custom solutions you will need to adhere to our standards).
  • include angularjs
  • include bootstrap v3

No hotlinking to our files

Do not hotlink to our stylesheet or any of files, download a copy of them.

There are systems that are developed 3rd party which won’t allow you to use these assets due to the underlying markup. In that case, they should be matched by using them as a reference point of design.

Once you have setup your project to include our stylesheet, please start referring to our component, and pattern libraries on what is available.


Throughout the Digital Design Manual, you will see references used for elements. This can be used to identify what element you are referencing.

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