Employment and training scheme updated to support those affected by coronavirus


Free career coaching, training and support is available for residents living in South Gloucestershire, Bath & North East Somerset and Bristol who would like to progress with their careers and help remove barriers which may be holding them back.

Criteria for the Future Bright scheme has also been adapted to help those whose jobs or incomes have been significantly affected by coronavirus.

Future Bright supports participants who are 19 years of age or over, in paid work and on a top-up benefit, to develop new skills or find new job opportunities through three months of free, personalised support with a dedicated coach.

Future Bright supports residents who are currently receiving, or likely to start receiving Universal Credit, including:

• Those who have been made redundant or who have been laid off as a result of the coronavirus crisis, or who are currently at risk of redundancy

• Those whose hours have been significantly reduced due to the coronavirus crisis, and therefore have a reduced income

• Those who are working as self-employed, whose incomes or ability to earn has been severely impacted by coronavirus

• Furloughed employees, if their reduced income means they are eligible for Universal Credit

For more information, visit www.futurebright.org.uk, email future.bright@southglos.gov.uk, or call 01454 866008.

We can also offer some financial support towards training or other work related costs. All conversations are confidential, can be accessed remotely and focus on what you want to achieve.