New campaign encouraging residents to ‘Keep Going’ with Covid-19 health and safety measures


On Monday 29 March we launched our new campaign as more Covid-19 restrictions are eased on the roadmap out of lockdown.

Our message to everyone who lives and works in South Gloucestershire is ‘We’re on the right track, let’s keep going’. There has been a downturn in cases of Covid since the beginning of January, high rates of take up and distribution of the vaccine and we know how the huge sacrifices people are making are contributing to our continuing fight against the virus.

But this is not the end – Covid cases are still being identified in South Gloucestershire and many restrictions remain in place.

South Gloucestershire Director of Public Health, Sara Blackmore, said: “We have made great strides against the virus here in South Gloucestershire and I would like to thank each and every person who has followed the rules and made such huge sacrifices. Everything you have done has helped save lives and puts us in a better position to move forward and get back to seeing our friends and family and doing the things we love.

“From today some restrictions in England have been lifted, which is great news as we can now see up to five other people outdoors, so long as we remain socially distanced. But, many rules remain in place and to make sure they can continue to be lifted, I am today urging everyone to keep going.

“We are on the right track and many things have progressed since the last national lockdown lifted – the rollout of the vaccination programme, regular testing, local contact tracing – and all these things mean we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

“But we need your help to keep moving forwards. Let’s not do anything that jeopardises our progress along the roadmap or risks spreading the virus after all of our hard work so far.

“Keep following the rules, always remember Hands Face Space, test regularly and isolate if you or anyone in your household tests positive, or if you are identified as a close contact. Let’s keep going.”

Under Step 1B of the government’s roadmap, from today the ‘stay at home’ rule has been lifted. This means you are not legally required to stay at home as much as possible, but everyone who can work from home should continue to do so. Holidays are still not allowed, including domestic overnight stays, and we are urging people to stay local and be sensible. Keep the number of journeys you make to a minimum and avoid travelling at busy times.

You can now meet with up to five other people (the rule of six), or more if everyone is only from two households, in outdoor spaces including private gardens. You must stay two metres apart from anyone not in your household and continue to follow good hygiene including Hands, Face, Space.

Outdoor sports courts, including tennis and basketball facilities and outdoor swimming pools can reopen. Formally organised sports can also resume.

If Step Two of the roadmap goes ahead, non-essential retail, personal care including hairdressers and barbers, and outdoor hospitality can reopen from 12 April. Two further stages are provisionally dated 17 May and 21 June. For full details see

Information on support available during the pandemic in South Gloucestershire is available on our website

Watch our Director of Public Health’s video message here.