Apply for an Area Wide Grant to help your community


Is your community group in need of financial support for a project, service, event or activity that benefits residents across South Gloucestershire?

Organisations in the area can now apply to our Area Wide Grant (AWG) programme.

This grant can be used to support community projects, services, events or activities that will benefit residents in at least six of the 14 Community Engagement Forum areas (see for more info).

Examples that could be eligible for funding include projects that reduce isolation and exclusion, events that bring communities together, activities that promote health and mental well-being or services that address a particular community need.

The maximum grant is £3,000, though higher awards may be possible for exceptional projects.

Cabinet member for Communities and Tourism, Cllr Heather Goddard, said: “Our Area Wide Grants are there to help give support to community organisations that are working across South Gloucestershire for the benefit of our residents.

“Voluntary, community and social enterprise groups are encouraged to apply. The funding is intended for projects, services, events or activities that meet the needs of residents in at least six of our 14 Community Engagement Forum (CEF) areas, so applicants must demonstrate that the funding will benefit people across a wide area of South Gloucestershire.”

The first step for applicants is to find out more by visiting and registering your organisation with our online grants system. Once organisations are registered with our online system an application form can be requested by contacting the Grants Helpline on 01454 865865 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm) or email

To view all of the grants available through South Gloucestershire Council visit