Fostering makes a real difference


Could you care for children and young people who have had a difficult start in life?

We are looking for foster carers from every background to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people. If you want to find out about more about the rewarding role then come to our Fostering Information Evening in Yate on Thursday 3 August.

Families, couples, same-sex couples and singles who are homeowners or renting are invited to come along to find out more. The only requirement is that you have the time, energy, space and flexibility to be there for someone else’s child.

Cllr Jon Hunt, Cabinet Member responsible for Children and Young People said: “There are many reasons why children in South Gloucestershire come in to the care system. Some just need a bed for a few nights, while we help their parents through a crisis. Others are casualties of family breakdown or victims of neglect and abuse.
“Being a foster carer can be a challenge but it is also immensely rewarding. You won’t be on your own, we are with you every step of the way to help with support, guidance and training and we will also support you financially with weekly payments to provide the care, support and attention that a child needs.”

Anyone who is interested in fostering can come along to your Fostering Information Evening at the Council Offices in Badminton Road, Yate, on Thursday 3 August from 7pm to 9pm. Experienced Foster Carers will be sharing their passion for fostering and highlighting the rewards, and Social Workers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding the fostering process.

For more information, call the fostering team on 01454 866423, email or visit