This week South Gloucestershire residents who have registered to vote by post will begin to receive their postal packs for the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner election that takes place on Thursday 2 May.
The Police and Crime Commissioner oversees your local police force and ensures they are prioritising what matters to you. The Avon and Somerset Police Area includes Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, Somerset Council and South Gloucestershire Council.
The full list of candidates, including the candidate election statements, can be viewed at or you can call 0300 131 1323 to request a booklet to be posted to you. Details of the election can be found at
Postal votes should be completed and returned as soon as possible. The deadline for receipt of postal votes is 10pm on Thursday 2 May.
If you are not posting your postal vote through the Royal Mail system, you can hand it in to the Local Returning Officer at the Badminton Road Offices, Badminton Road, Yate, BS37 4DQ during normal office hours (Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm). The reception staff will take your postal vote and ask you to complete a short form. This is a new legislative requirement. You will not be able to hand in your postal vote at any other council office.
Alternatively, you can hand in your postal vote on election day at any polling station in South Gloucestershire Council Area, between 7am and 10pm. The polling station staff will ask you to complete a short form. You can find your nearest polling station at
By law, you can only hand in your own postal vote, and the postal vote of up to five other electors.
Will Godfrey, Police Area Returning Officer for the Avon and Somerset Police Area, said: “If you are intending to hand in your postal vote either at the Badminton Road Offices or at a polling station, please be aware that you will need to complete a short form. This is a new legal requirement and if you do not fill it in, your vote will be rejected.”
Residents without postal voting arrangements in place and voting in person at their polling station on polling day, must present an accepted form of photo ID to the polling station staff.
Those who do not have an accepted form of photo ID can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate before the deadline at 5pm on Wednesday 24 April. If you have any questions about Voter ID or would like to request a paper form to apply for the Voter Authority Certificate, contact South Gloucestershire Council’s Electoral Services team on 01454 863030 or email
For more information on the election of the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner please visit
To view our video on completing your postal vote visit