Temporary library closures to allow Open Access equipment installation, 7 day-a-week opening from October

Bookshelves in a library

Seven day-a-week opening will be coming to libraries across South Gloucestershire in the autumn, following short closures over the summer to install the equipment needed.

Open Access will launch in nine of South Gloucestershire’s 14 libraries in October this year, once extra security and computer equipment is installed. The system will allow registered Open Access users to use their upgraded library cards to get into unstaffed libraries during extended hours to browse, borrow and renew books and other resources, or to use the space for study, for example.

The work will take place across the summer, but the project has been designed so that neighbouring libraries will not be closed at the same time. Users will still be able to access all online services and no-one will be charged a late return fine if their book would have been due back during a scheduled closure.

Cadbury Heath library will be the first to undergo the improvement works, from Saturday 8 July, reopening on Wednesday 19 July. The nearest alternatives are Kingswood Library, open Wednesday and Friday from 9.30am – 7.00pm; and Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9.30am – 5.00pm. Or, Hanham Library, which will be open on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9.00am – 5.00pm; Tuesday from 9.00am – 7.00pm; and Saturday from 9.30am – 5.00pm.

Cabinet Member for Communities and Tourism, Councillor Heather Goddard, said: “We are very pleased to be able to bring the benefits of extra opening during unstaffed hours in our libraries. We anticipate many people will be able to use the library where they couldn’t in the past because of work or other commitments and it is great to get extra use out of these important buildings when they would otherwise be closed.

“There will be a little disruption during the work to install the new equipment, but we have designed the programme to ensure that if your library is closed for a few days, you will be able to access another library relatively close by. Users are also able to make reservations and renew books online and you certainly won’t get a fine if your book is due back while the library is closed.”

The work will take place at the following libraries on the following dates, with more information available closer to the time in each local library, highlighting alternative local services for people to use.

For more information about library services across South Gloucestershire, to browse the catalogue, reserve or renew books, please go online at: http://www.southglos.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/libraries.

Library First day of closure Re open date
Cadbury Heath Monday 10 July Saturday 22 July
Filton Library Monday 24 July Saturday 5 August
Emersons Green Friday 28 July Friday 11 August
Winterbourne Thursday 3 August Friday 18 August
Thornbury Wednesday 9 August Wednesday 23 August
Staple Hill Tuesday 15 August Thursday 31 August
Yate Monday 21 August Tuesday 5 September
Downend Friday 25 August Saturday 9 September
Patchway Friday 1 September Friday 15 September