Help shape services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities


We are encouraging South Gloucestershire residents to give their views on a draft strategy which will help us plan what services for children and young people aged 0-25 years old with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) will look like.

A consultation on the draft strategy has just launched and you can have your say on this draft. The consultation documents are available online at, and at your local library or One Stop Shop.

We are also holding two consultation events for people to come along and have their say, one in Mangotsfield and another in Bradley Stoke. These events take place in February and are bookable through South Glos Parents and Carers, a supportive community for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities.

Monday 19 February, 10am to 12pm (doors open from 9.30am), at Cleve Rugby Club, The Hayfields, Cossham Street, Mangotsfield, Bristol BS16 9EN
Booking closes 15 Feb at midnight

Bradley Stoke
Tuesday 27 February, 7pm-9pm (doors open from 6.45pm), at The Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 8HL
Booking closes 22 Feb at midnight

Cllr Jon Hunt, Cabinet Member responsible for Children and Young People, said: “We have been listening to the views of children, their families, and people who work at our schools and colleges to work out the best way to meet people’s needs.
“The feedback we’ve received so far has allowed us to draw up a plan of how to meet people’s needs up to 2023, as it’s a five-year strategy.
“What we need to happen now is for people with an interest in the needs of children, young people and young adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to give us their views on the draft strategy.”

The consultation runs until 5pm on Monday 12 March.

You can have your say on the draft in the following ways:

To book your place at the consultation events, visit South Glos Parents and Carers at If you can’t access the online booking system, please call 01454 501009 and leave a message, including your name, mobile number if possible, the event which you want to book for and any accessibility requirements.

You can read the full draft strategy or a summary of it and complete, or download and print, a copy of the survey to tell us what you think by visiting

An easy read version is also available.

To tell us your views or request a paper copy of the documents and survey, email, call 01454 863297 or write to: Freepost  RTXL-YJXJ-BXEX, South Gloucestershire Council, Corporate Research & Consultation Team, draft SEND Strategy 2018-2023, Council offices, Badminton Road, Yate, BRISTOL, BS37 5AF. No stamp needed.