An update on recent flooding in South Gloucestershire

StreetCare operative knocks on door to check on resident

Storm Bert brought tree-damaging high winds and heavy rainfall that flooded many roads and affected properties across the district on Sunday 24 November.

30 trees were blown over and we distributed around 1,500 sandbags to our residents with around half of these going to the Yate Dodington area which was particularly badly affected by flooding.

A major incident was declared on Sunday evening due to the flooding of around 100 properties in and around Shire Way, Yate, with a further 100 cut off by rising water levels. The emergency response was led by the Fire Service as the lead agency for water rescue, working with the police and partner agencies and we would like to thank all the emergency services for their efforts.

We have also seen flooding in other parts of South Gloucestershire and we wish to extend our sympathies to everyone who has been affected by this incident.

Our own council StreetCare staff have worked around the clock to clear roads, trees and debris and make sure warning signs are in place.

Council staff have also visited more than 200 homes in the worst affected areas to offer support and identify what assistance we might be able to offer as we understand that it must be difficult to know where to start if your property has been flooded.

There is a huge amount of information on our flooding webpage as well as government advice on what to do after flooding at We have also highlighted some of the key points below and listed some useful numbers.

As with all serious flooding incidents we have a duty under the Flood and Water Management Act section 19 to investigate and produce a report that will summarise what happened, establish the cause or causes of the flooding and determine the actions needed for remediation.

All flooding incidents are complex and it will take time but we anticipate this will be completed in 3 to 6 months and the findings will be published on our website.

Flooding guidance

If you have insurance

Contact your insurance company to start your claim – they will tell you what to do next.

If you do not have insurance

You will need to pay for any temporary housing and repairs yourself. If you are struggling financially, you may find information on our cost of living webpages helpful.

Clearing up and making repairs after a flood

Before you start clearing up:
• take photos of any damage and the flood water line
• speak to your insurance company about what you can move and throw away

Keeping safe

Floodwater can contain harmful pollutants or contaminants hazardous to humans and animals. When cleaning up a home affected by floodwater use rubber boots, protective overalls or waterproof apron, and waterproof gloves to avoid exposure to floodwater.

  • thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap if they come into contact with flood water. If you have any open cuts or sores, clean and use waterproof plasters
  • do not turn on gas or electricals if they may have become wet until they have been checked by a qualified gas or electrical technician
  • do not drink your tap water if you notice a change in the colour, taste or smell – contact your water company if this happens
  • do not eat any food that has been contaminated by flood water

Useful contact numbers

Cost of living and financial support enquiries (freephone) 0800 953 7778
Environmental health and trading standards 01454 868001
Housing 01454 868005
Concerns about an adult 01454 868007 or 01454 615165 (Out of hours)
Concerns about a child 01454 866000 or 01454 615165 (Out of hours)
General enquiries and emergencies 01454 868009 – Call this number for services not listed above, or to be put through to a specific person. Out of office hours your call will be diverted to a service which only deals with emergencies.
Community Safety 01454 868751 or email