Have your say on changes to Thornbury High Street


Today (21 July) we are launching a public consultation on changes to Thornbury High Street to help keep everyone safe as we continue to ease out of lockdown restrictions.

The six-month consultation will give residents, businesses and groups in the town the opportunity to have their say on the trial pedestrianisation of the high street which was introduced on 6 June.

This was done using temporary bollards with support from a security company to ensure pedestrian safety, allowing pedestrians to use the road and footway to socially distance when walking and queuing. We also relaxed our licensing regulations to make it easier for pubs, cafes and restaurants to install outside seating areas.

We extended the closure using the Emergency Traffic Order to the maximum length of 42 days which expired on Friday 17 July.

During this initial closure period we have listened to the views of residents and organisations on how the emergency changes were working. Where necessary we have made changes, for example allowing delivery vehicles to enter through a three-metre gap in the soft closure using a one-way system to aid the shops in receiving their deliveries and enable access to properties.

The pedestrian and cycle zone were extended further south, near the junction with Chapel Street to accommodate a wider footway and seating outside the Maltings Public House. The speed limit on the non-pedestrianised section of the high street has been reduced to 20mph to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

From 21 July we will continue with the pedestrianisation of Thornbury High Street using an Experimental Traffic Order and start consulting on whether these, or other changes may work in the long term. We want to hear from different groups to tell us how these changes affect them and how they want the high street to work in the future.

The changes to the high street could unlock opportunities for regular markets, historic and cultural events, food stalls, outdoor seating areas, more attractive green spaces, children’s play areas and improved facilities for cyclists. The high street could be used all year round to create a safe, vibrant environment for shopping, social activities and events, attracting visitors and increasing trade for local businesses. We want to take this chance to hear what you would like Thornbury High Street to be like in the future.

Comments must be sent to us in writing after the measures are in place, and should preferably be submitted using the online questionnaire which will be available on the consultation page until 31 January 2021 (although email and letter responses will also be accepted).

Plans of the changes and Statement of Reason are available on our consultation webpage www.southglos.gov.uk/thornburyhighstreet

Respond to our online survey at www.southglos.gov.uk/thornburysurvey

Paper copies of the consultation survey can be picked up from Thornbury library when open, or requested by telephone by calling 01454 868000

For written submissions by other methods please Quote reference L3/DFA/STOP/PT.6609
email placefeedback@southglos.gov.uk

Write to: Head of Legal, Governance and Democratic Services South Gloucestershire Council, PO Box 1953, Bristol, BS37 0DB