South Gloucestershire care providers receive additional funding to help them deal with COVID-19


We are pleased to announce that we are able to pay our adult social care providers more during the current COVID-19 situation thanks to additional funding received from central government.

An extra 10 per cent on top of their regular payments will go to all providers of personal care within a care home or a community setting in the area, along with a discretionary 10 per cent available for non-personal adult social care that will be considered on a case by case basis.

The additional funding is to help adult care providers deal with any unexpected costs as a result of the COVID-19 situation. The increases will be backdated to 6 April and will last until 30 June (or until the Government announces a relaxation of the current COVID-19 social distancing requirements, whichever is the soonest), with a review to assess if they will continue beyond this date.

The costs will be funded from the £6.08m COVID-19 emergency grant received by South Gloucestershire Council from government.

Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health, Councillor Ben Stokes, said: “We are working closely with NHS Partners in supporting care homes, and also domiciliary care providers, as they continue to care for our vulnerable adults in South Gloucestershire during these incredibly difficult circumstances. In recognition of some of the challenges faced, this additional temporary financial help will go to organisations delivering front-line personal care, in either a residential or a community setting. We recognise that these unprecedented times are causing very difficult resourcing circumstances and increased costs, so are very pleased to be able to support our care providers with this payment increase.”

The proposals, which are based on guidance from The Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services include:

* A temporary 10 per cent fee uplift from 6 April 2020 for all commissioned Adult Social Care services, including those funded via a Direct Payment, which involves the delivery of personal care – e.g. residential and nursing care, home care/reablement and extra care housing and other supported living settings

* Applications for temporary fee uplifts shall be considered on a case by case basis for Adult Social Care services that do not involve the delivery of personal care, up to a ceiling of 10 per cent

* The uplifts shall be in addition to any inflationary uplifts already agreed and awarded from April 2020.

For the latest update on changes to council services as a result of coronavirus please visit This is a fast-evolving situation and information may be updated daily.

For the latest information on our response and what support is available please visit