South Gloucestershire registered with UK Network of Age-Friendly Communities

Older people smiling

South Gloucestershire has been recognised for working towards becoming an ‘Age Friendly Community’ by promoting its communities as places where age is no barrier to living well.

South Gloucestershire Council pledged to promote age-friendly communities as a priority and establish the South Gloucestershire Age-Friendly Community Board, at the meeting of Full Council in May this year.

Since then, the council has taken the lead in applying for South Gloucestershire to be registered with UK Network of Age-Friendly Communities. Now the application has been officially accepted, the council and its partners will work towards achieving full, Age-Friendly Community status.

The South Gloucestershire Age-Friendly Communities Board will work closely with partner organisations such as the Over 50’s Forum, Healthwatch, Sirona and South Gloucestershire Locality Partnership to ensure that the voice of older people (and their carers) are represented, with a particular focus on minority groups.

The UK Network of Age-Friendly Communities is led by the World Health Organisation and is affiliated to the Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. There are currently over sixty places across the country registered with the UK Network. It focuses on local action to enable older people engage in community life and promotes healthy and active ageing.

‘Age Friendly Places’ are communities where age doesn’t prevent people from enjoying fulfilling lives and where the environment, activities and services support and enable older people to:

  • Have opportunities to enjoy life and feel well
  • Participate in society and be valued for their contribution
  • Have enough money to live well
  • Feel safe, comfortable and secure at home
  • Access quality health and care.

Councillor John O’Neill, cabinet member with responsibility for adults and homes at South Gloucestershire Council, said: “It is fantastic news that our application to join the UK Network of Age-Friendly Communities has been registered. This is a significant milestone which recognises our ongoing commitment to make South Gloucestershire a place where older people can enjoy later life in communities where they are valued, respected, and can live comfortably.

“We will work closely with our partners, and colleagues in town and parish councils, some of whom are already on this journey, as we work towards achieving Age Friendly Community status. Listening to the views of older people will be essential to make sure our communities are places where growing older can be embraced and enjoyed.”

The South Gloucestershire Age-Friendly Communities Board we will be coproducing an ‘Age Friendly Communities plan’ in the coming months and will be running a public consultation to seek people’s views.

To be kept informed about the public consultation and about the work of The South Gloucestershire Age-Friendly Communities Board, email and register your details.