Lucy Elizabeth Skerratt

Memorial: Kingswood - Holy Trinity Church

Parents: Lucy and Mr G Skerratt

Marital status: Single

Home address: 87 Downend Road, Kingswood, Bristol

Pre-war occupation: Unpaid domestic duties

Date of birth: 16/01/1884

Place of birth: Lancashire

Date of death: 17/03/1941

Buried/Commemorated at: Commemorated by Kingswood Urban District, on Civilian War Dead Roll of Honour St George’s Chapel Westminster Abbey and on Kingswood Memorial.

Age: 57

Further information:

Lucy Elizabeth was a single middle-aged lady who lived with her elderly widowed and incapacitated mother and another elderly widow Nellie Holman. Mother and daughter were both killed at home during the Bristol blitz.

Lucy died when an incendiary device exploded near Morley Terrace (opposite their house on Downend Road).

By kind permission, this information is based on the following source(s):

This information has been provided by Sarah Hands, Volunteer Researcher for the South Gloucestershire War Memorials Web Site.
By kind permission, this information is based on the following source(s):
UK Civilian WW2 Deaths
1939 Register
Civil Registration Births Index