Capital Programme for 2022/23 and beyond outlined in draft budget papers


Cabinet members at South Gloucestershire Council have approved the inclusion of £112m of proposed capital investments as part of the budget consultation to be launched next week.

The proposed investments, covering projects and acquisitions across South Gloucestershire, are aimed at delivering local priorities and are in addition to the proposed revenue budget (£731m for 2022/23), which pays for day-to-day services and will also be included in the 12-week consultation.

Capital Projects can be delivered over a number of years, so funding may be spread out over time. As an example, in the 2021/22 Budget, £4 million was allocated to complete the purchase of the old Thornbury Hospital site and we are aiming to complete this process this year.

Key projects and capital investment proposals to support and improve local communities in the 2022/23 Budget include:

• Extending Love Our High Streets and Council funding to complete the work to restore and put back into community use the Whitfield Tabernacle in Kingswood.
• Further acquisitions and to begin to redevelop the heart of Kingswood High Street and pedestrianise Regent Street following consultation on the Kingswood Masterplan.
• Improvements to pedestrian, cycling and Public Rights of Way links in the Emersons Green East area.
• Allocation to the Local Transport Capital Programme, which funds investment in the local road network, to halt the declining condition of main commuter routes, avoid the cost of emergency repairs and improve residents’ experience on local roads.
• Funding to help deliver Extra Care Housing projects.
• Continuation of the Faster Broadband Project.
• Support for the redevelopment of the former Grange School site in Warmley, which will ultimately deliver new homes, a new primary school and new and improved community infrastructure.

To help local young people get the best start in life and achieve their fullest potential, the proposals include investing in some major school projects to increase capacity and improve facilities, including funding towards:

• The replacement primary school in Frenchay.
• The replacement Elm Park Primary School.
• A new Lyde Green satellite primary school.
• Additional school places for the growing North Yate community.
• Improvement work at the Vinney Green Secure Children’s Home.
• The proposed expansion of existing high schools in the district.

To play our part in responding to the climate and nature emergencies, the proposals include investments in:

• Projects to help decarbonise the way the Council operates.
• Walking and cycling infrastructure improvements.

South Gloucestershire Council Leader, Councillor Toby Savage, said: “We want to invest in services to support everyone in South Gloucestershire. Our Capital Budget is our opportunity to build and to improve the infrastructure we all use to access services, to travel, to learn and to stay well.

“Each year we update out plans to invest in major projects that can have a transformative impact on the places we live and work and this year’s draft budget outlines how we are allocating our resources to meet our Council Plan priorities.

“These projects will help to create and maintain jobs and make sure that South Gloucestershire becomes an even better place to rise and thrive, now and into the future.”

Residents will have 12 weeks from Monday 18 October to comment and provide feedback on the proposals, which will be delivered in a way that achieves achieving value for money and the best possible return on investment for the whole area.

More information about the projects in the Capital Programme is available on our website: