Congratulations to students receiving results across South Gloucestershire

teenage students

Pupils across South Gloucestershire have received their GCSE and BTEC results today and will be celebrating with families and thinking about the next chapter of their lives.

The Council is sending their warmest congratulations, to pupils, their families and to the school staff who have done so much to help support and prepare this year group for exams, through some incredibly difficult times over the past few years.

South Gloucestershire Council Co-Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Schools, Cllr Ian Boulton, said: “A huge well done to those who have received their GCSE and other qualification results today. Whatever grades you achieved, you are moving from one chapter and onto the next, and I would encourage you to look forward and to see what options you have and to make the best choices for you. I have no doubt that you will have worked hard, just as your families and all the staff in schools across South Gloucestershire have worked hard to help you prepare.

“As you continue your journey into sixth form, college, an apprenticeship or vocational qualification, know that support is still there and that a lot of people are wishing you the very best for your future. If you didn’t get the grades you were hoping for, use that support to help you to work out what is right for your next step.”

For those who didn’t get the results they were hoping for, please don’t panic. Help and support and an opportunity to talk about your options is available through your school, which will help you make the right next choice for you.

If students didn’t get the results they were hoping for and are feeling worried about the future, help is available. Visit for tips on how to manage stress and anxiety.