A letter to all residents in connection with the coronavirus outbreak – issued 18 March 2020


Dear South Gloucestershire resident,

You will no doubt share our concerns regarding the outbreak of COVID-19. As the Leader and Chief Executive of South Gloucestershire Council we wanted to write to you to reassure you that we are working tirelessly to take all necessary steps possible to ensure that we can sustain essential front-line services and have robust business continuity plans in place to support our most vulnerable residents.

We recognise that this is a long message, which you may have received more than once. We are using various channels to try to reach as many local residents as we can; as I am sure you will agree, at this time, the priority is to share current, accurate information quickly.

In anticipation of increased staff absence due to illness or self-isolation, we are reviewing how we deliver services, whether we can deliver support in different ways and which non-essential services will need to be scaled back or suspended.

Our aim is to provide council services as comprehensively as possible for as long as possible but our priority as you will understand, has to be on social care support for the most vulnerable.

For the latest update on changes to service as a result of coronavirus please visit www.southglos.gov.uk/servicedisruption. This is a fast-evolving situation and information may be updated daily.

In line with guidance from Public Health England, our staff are taking pragmatic steps to ensure we can support you in a safe manner:

  • wherever possible, we are making phone or skype calls instead of conducting face to face appointments/home visits
  • maintaining rigorous hand-hygiene
  • using personal protective equipment where required.