Residents in care home provided with tablets to stay in touch with loved ones


We have provided residents at the Alexandra Way care home in Thornbury with a number of tablets to keep in touch with friends, families and loved ones during the coronavirus outbreak.

Staff at Alexandra Way have been showing the residents how to use the tablets, with family and friends from as far away as France able to remain in contact through video calls.

Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, Cllr Ben Stokes said: “With essential Government guidance meaning visits to care homes are not currently possible, it’s a difficult time for residents and families who would normally see each other on a more regular basis.

“I’m delighted that we have been able to help people to stay in touch by utilising technology and I’d like to thank all of the fantastic staff, carers and volunteers supporting people across South Gloucestershire during the outbreak. We appreciate you and the vital work you are doing.”

For the latest update on changes to service as a result of coronavirus please visit This is a fast-evolving situation and information may be updated daily.