South Gloucestershire Council statement on national lockdown


South Gloucestershire Council supports the announcement of England’s national lockdown and is appealing to residents in the area to make sure they are fully aware of the new rules and stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

Cllr Toby Savage, Leader of South Gloucestershire Council said: “As you will be aware, the Prime Minister has announced a third lockdown for England, a decision which comes as the case rate of Covid-19 is increasing rapidly across the UK and similarly across the south west region and here in South Gloucestershire.

“The number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is also growing and the health system continues to be under pressure. In the 7 days up to 1 January there were 1,087 cases in South Gloucestershire and the infection rate for that period was 381 per 100,000 people – a 119.2% increase. This rate is similar to Bristol and higher than North Somerset.

“We have seen rates increase in all age groups but they are highest in the working age groups from 19-40 years. We’ve continued to see an increasing rate of cases across both the urban and some of the more rural parts of South Gloucestershire.

“The Council is working with NHS colleagues to support the roll-out of vaccination to local residents as this is the most important route out of the current restrictions and we will be raising with the government what more we can do to support the immunisation programme.

“Our Local Outbreak Management team also continues to take action to reduce the number of Covid-19 cases in our communities and respond to clusters and outbreaks when they occur. The priority locally continues to be to protect our most vulnerable residents and businesses.

“With all schools closing from today other than for vulnerable and critical worker children and all primary and secondary moving to remote learning until at least February half term, this has been a difficult adjustment for everyone and we truly appreciate the responsiveness of our school staff and local families. We are working hard to ensure that the educational and mental health support for our children is impacted as minimally as possibly by further time outside of the classroom.

“I’m incredibly proud of the way South Gloucestershire’s communities have supported each other throughout the pandemic and we send our sincere thanks to everyone for all of their continued efforts, patience, and compassion. The local community has really stepped up to help those in need and we are incredibly grateful to all of the local volunteers and groups for the part they have played and will continue to play in helping us all get through this challenging situation.

“With this new variant of Covid-19 it is absolutely essential that we take responsibility for our own actions and do all we can to stop the spread of the virus while the vaccines are being rolled-out. The easiest way to help protect yourself, your loved ones and those around you is to continue to abide by Hands Face Space.

“Please make sure that you call 119 or book online at to be tested if showing any symptoms and don’t hesitate to get yourself vaccinated when you are invited to receive a jab. These are permitted essential reasons for leaving the home.”

Support available during the Covid-19 pandemic

For general queries about support:

Visit, call us on the South Gloucestershire Council Covid-19 helpline 0800 953 7778 (lines are open 08:45-17:00 Mon-Thurs and 08:45-16:30 Fridays), or email

For support with food, deliveries, prescriptions and much more:

Call our partner Southern Brooks on 0333 577 4666 (lines are open 9:00-17:00 Mon-Fri and 10:00-12:00 Saturdays).

Please follow the South Gloucestershire Council social media accounts: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Nextdoor and retweet/share our messages on your own social media channels and to online community groups.

The latest Government information, including detailed guidance as it’s released, can be found at