New Leader, Cabinet, Chair and Vice Chair appointed at annual full Council meeting

Chair and Vice Chair
Cllr Brian Allinson and Chair Cllr June Bamford at last years'r AGM

Cllr Toby Savage has been re-elected as Council Leader at the annual meeting of full Council on Wednesday 22 May.

Cllr Savage will also take on a new Cabinet Member portfolio for the Local Economy and Devolution.

Other key appointments include Cllr Jon Hunt who was reappointed as Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People; Cllr Steve Reade who takes on the Cabinet Member role for Planning, Transport and Strategic Environment (PTSE); Cllr Ben Stokes who resumes his work in the modified Cabinet Member role for Adults and Public Health; Cllr Rachael Hunt who takes on the Cabinet Member role for Communities; Cllr Erica Williams who takes on Cabinet Member role for Schools, Skills and Employment; and Cllr Ben Burton who takes on the role of Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources.

Functions relating to Public Health will be incorporated into the Executive Portfolio for Adult Care and re-named Adults and Public Health. The Housing Delivery functions will be incorporated into the Executive Portfolio for Planning Transport and Strategic Environment.

Cllr Savage said: “I am proud to reveal this fantastic newly formed Cabinet, which offers a strong mix of fresh enthusiasm and valuable experience.
“I have every faith in my Cabinet’s ability and together we look forward to continuing our work to unlock South Gloucestershire’s potential.”

The annual meeting is also the time to elect a new Chairman and Vice Chairman for the coming year.

Cllr Brian Allinson was elected to serve as Chairman and Cllr June Bamford was also elected to serve as Vice Chairman.

Council papers from the meeting including a list of committee appointments are available online at