Charfield Station plans approved

A computer-generated illustration of what the station may look like.

Plans for a new train station in Charfield have been given planning permission.

A planning application, submitted by South Gloucestershire Council and Network Rail, for a station, car park and highways improvements has been approved by the Local Planning Authority.

The station will be built on land off Station Road in the centre of the village. It will include two platforms serving north and southbound journeys, a pedestrian footbridge, a bus stop, covered cycle parking, and car parking.

The station will improve access to jobs, further and higher education and a wider variety of services and facilities. It will also help to mitigate some of the impacts of recent permitted development in the area.

A pre-application public consultation held in 2021 showed that 78 per cent of people who took part in the survey were supportive of the principle of reopening a station. Designs for the new station also received support from 73 per cent of people.

South Gloucestershire Council’s cabinet member for transport, councillor Steve Reade said: “I am delighted that planning permission has been granted for a new station in Charfield.

“This is an important milestone for a strategically significant transport project that will help with our commitment to creating sustainable communities and lowering our carbon emissions.

“A station in Charfield will make public transport a credible option for those living in the village and neighbouring communities, taking cars off our busy roads.”

David Davidson, Interim Route Director at Network Rail, commented: “We’re delighted to hear that the planned new station for Charfield has been granted planning permission.

“This is certainly an important milestone for the project and brings it a step closer, making the railway a tangible local transport option for the community.”

Dan Okey, Head of Regional Development at Great Western Railway, said: “We would like to congratulate South Gloucestershire Council for their efforts in securing planning consent for Charfield station and we look forward to working with them on the next stage of this scheme.”

South Gloucestershire Council recently agreed a budget which included significant investment in sustainable travel. As part of its 2023/24 budget the authority approved £1.5 million investment in improving walking and cycling routes, £132 million on capital projects and transport schemes and a further £1.5 million on progressing the council’s response to the climate emergency.

Now planning permission has been secured work will progress on detailed designs for the station and highways improvements. Once these are complete a full business case and a request for funding will be submitted to the West of England Combined Authority.
A new project programme will be shared later in the year.

Information on the new train station in Charfield can be found by visiting the project webpage, go to

People who are interested in the scheme are encouraged to sign up for a new project newsletter. This can be done via the webpage.