£10m unlocked for transport infrastructure upgrades to support Filton Arena project


More than £10 million will be spent on making improvements to traffic management and flow and to introduce new cycling routes that will help make the Arena and Brabazon community being built on the former Filton airfield site more accessible for residents, workers and eventgoers.

The new developments, which will generate around 5,700 new homes and hundreds of jobs in construction and then operating the country’s third largest indoor arena, will be a major boost to the economy and vibrancy of South Gloucestershire, but it is vital that infrastructure keeps pace with that growth.

The measures this new funding will deliver will keep people moving to and from, in and around the new community and arena and are in addition to MetroWest rail improvements and the MetroBus extension.

The scheme will include, for example, cycle routes between the arena and Brentry and improved connections linking the arena, the Ring Road and the A38 to connect with Charlton Hayes, Frenchay, Stoke Gifford and Little Stoke.

New traffic management systems will reduce congestion and delays on the network surrounding the Arena on non-event days and reduce the potential impact of people arriving and leaving when major events take place. Taken together, providing sustainable travel options and improving traffic flow and reducing congestion will improve local air quality and help reduce carbon emissions.

Other improvements are also being delivered by the developers and include improvements to local roads, a new footbridge across the railway line, bus infrastructure, on site cycle lanes, electric vehicle charging points, park and ride facilities and shuttle buses.
The full business case, which will include greater detail of the schemes that will be involved and delivered ahead of the first event taking place, will be presented in January.

The £7 million funding was approved by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Committee and adds to the £3 million funding already secured by South Gloucestershire Council, which will deliver the projects.

Councillor Toby Savage, Leader of South Gloucestershire Council, said: “The new community at Brabazon and the new arena will drive brownfield regeneration and revitalise this part of South Gloucestershire, delivering new homes for thousands, job opportunities for hundreds and put South Gloucestershire on the map for countless thousands who will attend concerts and other events here.

“With development underway, it is crucial that we can also deliver the infrastructure that will keep these projects moving and keep people moving in and around the site.

“People living in and around the area will be encouraged and able to walk and cycle, take the bus or the train and we are investing massively to make this an easy option for people. This is what building for the future can look like.”