Change in governance arrangements introduced


Governance arrangements of South Gloucestershire Council changed to a Leader and Cabinet model at Wednesday 17 May’s Annual General Meeting.

Under the new arrangements, the Leader and the Executive Members will take decisions either collectively as a Cabinet or individually as executive portfolio holders.

Decisions will be open to scrutiny by all of the non-executive Members of the Council via a Scrutiny Commission.

The change from the current committee structure was implemented at the AGM where formal appointments to the various roles were also made:

Leader of Council and Cabinet Member for the Local Economy and Devolution is Cllr Matthew Riddle, who made the following appointments:

Deputy Leader, Cllr Toby Savage.

Executive Member Cabinet portfolio holders:

Adult Care, Cllr Ben Stokes
Children and Young People, Cllr Jon Hunt
Schools, Skills and Employment, Cllr Toby Savage
Planning, Transportation and the Strategic Environment (PTSE), Cllr Colin Hunt
Communities and Tourism, Cllr Heather Goddard
Housing Delivery and Public Health, Cllr Erica Williams
Corporate Resources, Cllr John Goddard.

Appointment of Scrutiny and Non-Executive Committee Chairs were also made as follows:

Chair of Health Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Marian Lewis
Co-Chair of Scrutiny Commission, Cllr Ian Boulton
Co-Chair of Scrutiny Commission, Cllr Claire Young
Chair of Audit and Accounts Committee, Cllr Nick Barrett
Chair of Development Control East, Cllr June Bamford
Chair of Development Control West, Cllr Trevor Jones
Chair of Regulatory Committee, Cllr Keith Cranney.