Consultation responses sought on modifications to the South Gloucestershire Policies Sites and Places Plan

A screenshot of the consultation system

The Policies Sites and Places Plan (PSP Plan) will form an important part of the planning system for South Gloucestershire over the next decade, helping to set the rules and requirements for development in the district to 2027.

The council has been developing the PSP Plan over the past year and received significant input from residents and businesses, most recently during formal consultation last summer. That draft has now been scrutinised in public by an independent Inspector, to ensure that it can be adopted by the Council for use in deciding upon planning applications.

Views are now being sought on the ‘Main Modifications’ to the PSP Plan, which have been prepared as a result of the Examination in Public Hearing Sessions and following the consideration of previous public representations.

The consultation is open until 24 July 2017, with full details available online at:

At this stage the Inspector will only consider comments on the Main Modifications, and these are highlighted in the consultation documents. The Inspector will consider comments received before publishing her report on the overall soundness and suitability for adoption of the PSP Plan later this year.

Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport & Strategic Environment, Cllr Colin Hunt, said: “We would encourage residents and businesses to comment on the Main Modifications to this plan, particularly those who have been part of this process already.

“This plan is important because it will help the council exercise local control over development. It will help us give communities and developers more certainty for the future, both in terms of how they will be protected, and to house-builders clarity on what we do want to see and what we don’t think is acceptable in the coming years.”