Councillors approve change in governance arrangements


The current governance arrangements of South Gloucestershire Council are set to change, following a majority decision by councillors at full Council on Wednesday 22 March.

The recommendation to return to a Leader and Cabinet model of governance is due to be implemented at the Annual General Meeting in May.

Under the new arrangements, the Leader and the Executive Members will take decisions either collectively as a Cabinet or individually as executive portfolio holders.

Decisions will be open to scrutiny by all of the non-executive Members of the Council via a Scrutiny Commission.

The change from the current committee structure will involve updating the council constitution at the AGM on Wednesday 17 May, which is also when formal appointments to the various roles will be made.

As well as the Leader of Council/Cabinet Member for the Local Economy and Devolution and Deputy Leader roles, the Executive Member Cabinet portfolios include:

Adult Care
Children and Young People
Schools, Skills and Employment
Planning, Transportation and the Strategic Environment (PTSE)
Community Services
Housing Delivery and Public Health
Corporate Resources.

The Scrutiny Commission will be responsible for policy reviews and performance reviews and will be co-chaired by the Liberal Democrat and Labour groups and is subject to political proportionality. It cannot include Executive [Cabinet] Members.

Other functions, for example the two Development Control planning committees and licensing committees, will still operate in the same way.