Indoor sports venue plans approved

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Plans for an indoor leisure development including an ice rink, ski venue and skydiving facilities at Cribbs Causeway retail park were approved today (Thursday 6 April).

Full planning permission was granted for almost 14,000 square metres of new floor space which will house the ice rink, ski venue and skydiving venue will also include a drive through coffee facility. Car parking and landscaping are included in the plans.

Outline planning permission was also granted for a retail store, hotel, restaurant and car showroom, with all matters reserved with the exception of access.

Both developments are situated within the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood.

The plans will now be referred to the Secretary of State who has 21 days to decide whether or not to call-in the plans. If not, then planning consent will be granted.

A copy of the full report can be found on the following link

The plans were considered at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s DC West Planning Committee.