New Chief Executive chosen


We have taken the decision to appoint current Deputy Chief Executive Dave Perry as our next Chief Executive.

At the December 12 Full Council meeting, councillors voted to accept the unanimous recommendation of the cross-party Appointments & Employment Committee panel, who made their decision following a robust recruitment process.

In this process, the panel identified Dave’s proven track record as Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources and highlighted the exceptional leadership skills, resilience and invaluable experience he brings to the role.

The news follows current Chief Executive Amanda Deeks’ announcement in November of her intention to retire in 2019 after 14 years in the role.

Following a transition period, Dave will take over as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service in 2019 on a date yet to be finalised.

Dave, who has served as deputy for the past 11 years, said: “It is a great honour and privilege to be selected as the next Chief Executive of South Gloucestershire Council.

“The council has an excellent reputation, and that is down to the hard work and commitment of its officers and councillors, as well as Amanda’s leadership – she will certainly be a hard act to follow.

“I have a genuine passion for South Gloucestershire, and am really looking forward to working to improve services, and make South Gloucestershire an even better place to live and work.”

Council Leader Cllr Toby Savage said: “I’m delighted to have someone of Dave’s calibre to take the reins from Amanda. In working with Dave over recent years, it is clear that he has the required skills and experience, but most importantly he also has the passion, commitment and drive we need from our next Chief Executive.

“Myself and my Cabinet colleagues look forward to working closely with Dave and his senior leadership team to deliver on our priorities of improving educational attainment, strengthening our communities, delivering housing growth and infrastructure, modernising the council, and delivering high class, value for money services.”