Successful support programme for foster carers and children expands

Hayley Henson and her partner Paul King, who will lead second home hub, supporting eight carers and 16 foster children and young people

A support programme launched for foster carers and children in South Gloucestershire is expanding into a second hub home following the success of the first.

South Gloucestershire Council collaborated with The Fostering Network to launch the first Mockingbird Family Model in 2023. The model is designed to make fostering relationships stronger and more sustainable by providing an extended family approach that connects foster carers and children through shared experiences.

At the heart of each group of foster families, or ‘constellation’ is a ‘hub home’, where specially recruited and trained foster carers support other foster carers and children by offering advice and group social activities.

The second hub home, being led by Hayley Henson and her partner Paul King (pictured), connects eight foster carers and 16 children and young people. The families will meet monthly and arrange regular activities for both foster carers and the children they care for.

Hayley said: “Being part of Mockingbird and offering support to the families involved is just such an amazing opportunity for us. We’ll be here to help.

“We’ve been Fostering for 13 years and have had many placements, of all different ages over that time. We will use our experience and training to help support the carers and children in our constellation.

“We will be there to support the whole family within our Hub Home, whether it be for stay over care or just having a nice coffee and a catch up or arranging evenings or fun days out for the families involved”.

Hayley and Paul will also be on hand to help when things get more intense, providing support to carers when they need it most.

South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Cllr Simon Johnson, said: “We are really proud of the success of Mockingbird since its launch, and the support shown by Hayley and Paul, as they step into a key role as home hub carers for our second constellation. Their skills and experience will help foster connection between all the carers and the children and young people involved.

“We’ve seen a real sense of community blossom in our first hub and are confident we can continue to build on this success. We are very excited to launch our second constellation for Mockingbird at South Gloucestershire.”

Freya Burley, Head of Mockingbird, said “The Fostering Network is thrilled that South Gloucestershire Council are launching their second constellation. We have seen the amazing impact of the first on fostering families in South Gloucestershire. We are looking forward to the second constellation following in their footsteps.”

The Mockingbird Family Model is just one source of support offered to foster carers in South Gloucestershire. Carers also receive comprehensive training, a dedicated social worker to support, an out-of-hours phone line and peer mentoring.

For more information about fostering in South Gloucestershire, visit our website: