Apply for an Area Wide Grant to help your community


Is your community, voluntary or social enterprise group in need of financial support for a project, service, event or activity that benefits residents across South Gloucestershire?

Our Area Wide Grant (AWG) is currently available and the deadline for submitting applications is midnight on Friday 23 October. This is the second and final round for the financial year 2020/21.

This grant can be used to support community projects, services, events or activities that will benefit residents in at least six of the 14 Community Engagement Forum areas (for more info see

The maximum grant amount is £3,000, although there is flexibility for higher awards for both exceptional circumstances and budget availability.

Cabinet Member for Communities and Tourism, Cllr Rachael Hunt said: “Our Area Wide Grants help us to support community organisations that are working with residents across South Gloucestershire. Examples that could be eligible for funding include projects that reduce isolation and exclusion, events that bring communities together, activities that promote health and mental well-being or services that address a particular community need.

“£50,376 is available in round two of Area Wide Grants this year and voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations are encouraged to apply, as well as town and parish councils.”

All organisations must complete registration details online and have these approved prior to application. For more information please refer to our registration guidance available on our website

To view all of the grants available through South Gloucestershire Council visit

To view all of the grant payments made visit our Open Data webpage.