Grimsbury Farm update

Young children standing in mud

We have committed to keeping Grimsbury Farm as a community facility and to exploring ways that we can work with the community and partners to make the farm cost-neutral to the council. While we do need to reduce our current costs, there are no plans to build on the farm site, which sits in the Green Belt and on land that contains old mine workings.

We are currently reducing the number of large animals on the farm in a managed way. This is happening through a mix of normal commercial sales that routinely happen at this time of the year, as well as taking the opportunity to reduce the numbers of some animals to reduce costs to help protect the long-term future of the farm. For example, sheep in lamb have been sold and were moved at the end of last week, while four ‘pet’ sheep remain on the farm.

We will be holding a Community Conversation in the Spring, with local people and potential commercial partners, who we are keen to hear from and talk to about helping to shape and manage the future of the farm, and to secure its long-term future.

Future updates on the farm and how to have your say will be posted on our social media channels, website and enewsletter.

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