Have your say on South Gloucestershire’s proposed Council Plan for 2020-2024


We are inviting feedback on our new Council Plan which covers the period 2020 to 2024.

The consultation on our emerging Council Plan 2020-2024 launches today (Tuesday 5 May) at https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/consult.ti/CP20/consultationHome and we would like to hear from residents, businesses and other organisations about their views on our key priorities and commitments for the next four years and onwards.

We find ourselves in truly unprecedented circumstances internationally and the implications of the COVID-19 outbreak are being felt across South Gloucestershire. Through a collective effort headed up by the NHS; the public sector, the voluntary sector, our businesses and our residents have come together to tackle the crisis and in taking this opportunity to go public with our priorities for the next four years, we are marking a transition from emergency response to the initiation of the recovery.

This is a challenging time to deliver public consultation and a challenging time for residents to engage when they are coming to terms with the implications of a period of lockdown. We believe this is the right time however to be preparing for a positive and proactive recovery phase and in doing so, to address the wider challenges and opportunities which we were preparing for before this crisis.

The emerging Council Plan had been in preparation for some months preparing for a consultation launch in March. That had to be postponed at a time where the Council has had to urgently redirect resources and priorities. We are now beginning to redress the balance and return to normal operation of some of our key services to the public. With that, we want to engage people in the longer term ambitions and priorities for the Council and we want to capture the phenomenal resolve and spirit we have seen within our communities as a template for recovery and for South Gloucestershire sustaining its status as a great place to live and work.

Leader of South Gloucestershire Council Cllr Toby Savage said: “South Gloucestershire is a place that people are proud to call home. That attitude is something the Council has worked hard to forge with residents, and the collective aims through the Council Plan plays a big part in making sure that stays the case going forward. As we look to the future, we are presented with a huge opportunity to ‘reset’ rather than simply go back to how things once were.

“The new Plan gives residents a blueprint of our vision for South Gloucestershire, building on our three core priorities of improving our schools and our streets while offering residents value for money services, as well as working to enhance and improve each of our local communities as we take important steps towards our ambitious 2030 carbon neutral goal.

“We are inviting everyone in our area, residents, businesses and anyone with an interest in South Gloucestershire’s future, to have their say and provide feedback on those priorities for the next four years and beyond. Those views and opinions will be used to guide our plans for the future and help us continue to deliver quality services for local people.”

The Council Plan consultation will be live until 26 July. The consultation document and survey can be accessed at https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/consult.ti/CP20/consultationHome or you can contact the Consultation Team on 01454 868154 if you would like a questionnaire sent to you.