High Streets sparkle following graffiti clean-up in Staple Hill and Kingswood


More than 125 sites around Staple Hill and Kingswood have been cleared of graffiti as part of our commitment to improve, regenerate and make our high streets more welcoming and pleasant places for residents.

Forming part of our ‘High Streets to Thrive’ plan, our dedicated team of operatives removed unsightly graffiti markings from 92 sites in Staple Hill earlier in the year and 37 in Kingswood more recently, with it covering walls and defacing buildings.

Our StreetCare and Regeneration teams are working together to support High Streets as part of our commitment to make neighbourhoods more appealing for residents, visitors and aiming to increase footfall for businesses and traders.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Local Place, Cllr Rachael Hunt, joined our team of operatives during the clean-up and helped to remove graffiti in Kingswood. Cllr Hunt said: “We want our neighbourhoods to be places that our residents are proud of, and graffiti can blight local communities and bring down the appearance of our High Streets. Clearing the graffiti has made a significant difference to the aesthetic appearance of these areas, with businesses and the local economy set to benefit from more welcoming town centres and more people likely to visit.

“I really enjoyed working with the team to remove some of the graffiti and it was hugely satisfying to see how the area was uplifted afterwards. Any additional graffiti discovered during the clean-up was removed to improve the general appearance of the area, so we noticed a positive difference straight away. My thanks go to the team for their continued work as they move to Downend in early 2022.”

We are currently consulting on a proposed town council for Kingswood and a parish council for Staple Hill and Mangotsfield, which both run until 7 January 2022. Graffiti removal is the type of activity that a town or parish council could fulfil on a more regular basis. You can find out more and have your say via our website at https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/system/listConsultations?type=O

This project was funded by European Regional Development Fund. We remove graffiti from private property with the consent of the owner and there is a charge for this service. Graffiti can be reported online at: https://www.southglos.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/street-care-and-cleaning/graffiti/

Graffiti is a form of vandalism and if you witness any incidents taking place then report it to the Police by calling 101.