Page Park turf cut event


A turf cutting event was held at Page Park in Staple Hill to mark the start of building work to create a new café and community building. (Wednesday 9 November).

Enhancements to the popular park have been made possible thanks to a Heritage Lottery Grant of £1.6million, and further funding including council grants, which bring the total to £2.2million.

Cllr Erica Williams, Chair of South Gloucestershire Council, was joined by Environment and Community Services Chair Cllr Heather Goddard and children from Page Park pre-school nursery along with some of the volunteers from the Friends of Page Park who were on hand to help with the ceremonial turf cutting.

Cllr Erica Williams said: “This is a historic milestone for Page Park and all the people who have worked so hard to bring their dreams to a reality. All those involved should feel very proud that their campaigning and fundraising to restore and refurbish the clock tower and tennis pavilion and provide a community building and café has brought them here today.

“This will be of huge benefit to not only the residents of Staple Hill but the wider community who already enjoy using the park and attend the many events that have been held here.”

Work on the new combined café and community building, which will serve as a hub for the park and local community, is now underway and is expected to be completed by June 2017. Other improvements to be made during the five-year refurbishment project include the clock tower restoration, restoration of the tennis pavilion, resurfacing pathways, new gates and railings, a programme of activities and training for volunteers.