Shaping the future of South Gloucestershire – Phase Two of Local Plan consultation underway


The council wants to ensure that South Gloucestershire continues to be a great place to work, live, visit and enjoy. We are committed to plan-led development so that we can control where growth, whether in the form of homes for the future, space for new businesses, how we incorporate renewable energy into our future and how best to secure our environment and biodiversity in response to the climate emergency, takes place.

South Gloucestershire Council is in the process of developing a new Local Plan, which is the top-level planning document for the district, which establishes where we do and don’t want to see new development in the future, and which will help guide and shape the nature of growth in the district for the next decade. We want that plan to reflect the views and priorities of our communities.

Over the next six weeks, we are asking our residents and other stakeholders contribute to the next phase of the preparation we are asking for input from the community on a range of themes as part of our new Local Plan Phase 2 consultation:

  • Future Homes – New and current residents, as well as those in future generations, will need sustainable, connected and affordable places to live. Sharing your views on where growth, change and protection might take place in or urban areas, and how we might approach rural growth
  • Brownfield Development – Redeveloping individual sites and buildings in urban areas and market towns can be the most efficient use of these spaces for homes, employment and leisure and will be a key part of our Local Plan. The council wants to hear from residents about what changes and approaches might be required to make sure we make the best use of urban land
  • Renewable Energy – We want to increase the local potential for generating low and zero carbon forms of energy. As part of the Local Plan, share your views on how we plan for renewable energy and where land might be used for renewable energy generation from solar and wind
  • Land for jobs – Protecting spaces for work and businesses through our Local Plan will support a strong, responsive and competitive economy. The proposals we are setting out for consultation describe which urban employment sites could be protected and where choices could be made to change on our urban employment areas, to assist regeneration, encourage new forms of development and promote mixed use ideas and approaches
  • Environment – Green spaces, cycle routes, rivers, parks and village greens all come together to create a network of green areas and corridors for people and wildlife. Find out, and share your views, on the proposed green infrastructure network.

All councils are required by law to have a Local Plan that sets out how they will accommodate growth and development in their area into the future. Government sets targets for the number of new homes, for example, that each local authority must plan to accommodate, but the role of the Local Plan is to reflect the priorities and aspirations of the local community so that growth can be delivered in a way that meets that area needs. As the highest level planning document for the district, it is important that residents and stakeholders understand its purpose and help to shape it.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Strategic Infrastructure, Cllr Steve Reade, said: “South Gloucestershire is already a great place to live and work, with thriving urban areas alongside rural beauty and enviable countryside and environment to enjoy, as a resident or visitor.

“What attracts us as residents also attracts people who want to share in that experience, and our connectivity with the rest of the country attracts new businesses, who need workers, who need places to live. This is in addition to the need to offer space for our own children to choose to continue to live in and around the communities where they grow up.

“We need to plan for this growth, but that does not mean we have to accept that it has to happen where developers say it should. A strong Local Plan, with the input from the community, will give us the power to direct development to the places it will benefit our existing communities, which is why we are encouraging you to learn more about it and to let us know your views.”

As part of the consultation process, in addition to an online survey and interactive consultation maps, there will be in-person as well as online engagement sessions to explain what is in the Phase 2 document, how to engage and a chance for general discussion, questions and answers.

Four digital engagement events are taking place, with morning and evening sessions on 17 February and 1 March.

We will also be holding face-to-face events, appearing in six locations during the consultation period, to have conversations and discuss the new Local Plan and the key topics. These will be held at:

  • Morrisons at Cribbs Causeway
  • Longwell Green Leisure Centre
  • Willow Brook Centre, Bradley Stoke
  • Tesco in Yate
  • The Café in Little Stoke Park
  • Kings Chase in Kingswood.

You can find out how to join the digital briefing events; when and where our in-person events are taking place; read the Phase 2 consultation document and complete the online survey via our new Local Plan website: