South Glos launches consultation on new 30-year housing strategy


South Gloucestershire Council is setting out a new vision and approach to delivering the homes that will be needed by residents now and over the next thirty years in a new Housing Strategy.

The Strategy sets out key objectives for new growth, which delivers a home for everyone that meets their needs; sustainable homes, fit for the future; all contributing to thriving communities and neighbourhoods.

The Housing Strategy is not the same as the Local Plan, which is being developed with extensive public consultation and which will contain the detailed policies used to determine planning applications and will set out locations earmarked for potential future development.

The Housing Strategy will establish the principles that will guide the council into the future as development is planned in detail and delivered. In it, the council commits that new, high-quality homes will play a role in responding to the climate and nature emergencies, promote individual and family health and wellbeing, as well as helping to deliver equal opportunities for existing and new residents.

It is also ambitious, setting out that all new housing, regeneration and retrofitting of existing homes in South Gloucestershire must achieve net zero carbon impact by 2030.
To help introduce the new Strategy and consultation, two online events are taking place on Wednesday 6 July, between 12-1PM and 5-6PM. These will be recorded and available for people to watch on demand afterwards.

Through the consultation, residents are being asked whether they agree with the vision set out in the strategy, or not, and why? Local communities will be able to comment on whether the objectives are clear and whether anything should be added, amended or removed?

Once in place, the new strategy will support our work with partners including registered housing providers who build and operate social housing, as well as with landowners and developers, so there is a shared understanding of the way South Gloucestershire will grow.
It will also provide important supporting evidence for the council when it applies for funding to support new projects from Government and Homes England, for example.

South Gloucestershire Council cabinet member with responsibility for the Housing Strategy, Councillor Ben Stokes, said: “In 30 years’ time we want everyone in South Gloucestershire to live in a healthy, affordable, low energy and low carbon, climate resilient home that meets their needs. And we want those homes to be in safe, sustainable, and thriving local communities which are accessible to everyone.

“To help make that future a reality, we need to set out our vision clearly now, and then use it as a guide to inform the detailed plans and decisions that will be need to taken going forward.

“I think the whole community can come together around the idea that we need to grow sustainably, according to not just a plan but a vision, to make safe and secure housing available to all. We all need a home that meets our needs and contributes positively to the communities and neighbourhoods where we live.

“We want to talk to and hear from residents to refine what should be a shared vision for the future of South Gloucestershire. We want local people to read and understand this strategy, to let us know what it means to them, so that together we can make plans for generations to come.”

Feedback from the consultation will help to improve a final version of the Housing Strategy, which will be presented to the council to approve in the first half of next year. While its scope covers the next thirty years, it will be routinely reviewed throughout that time to allow the council to adapt to changing views, planning laws and priorities.

To read the draft Housing Strategy and take part in the consultation, please visit our website at

To take part in the online drop-in briefings via Teams, there is no need to book, simply go to and scroll to the virtual drop-in meetings.

The consultation runs from 1 July 2022 until 1 September 2022. Full details of how to take part, copies of and links to supporting materials are available on our website at