First South Gloucestershire Tree Week launches


Children from local schools and scout groups joined Chair of South Gloucestershire Council, Cllr Brian Allinson at Warmley Forest Park on 23 November to launch the first ever South Gloucestershire Tree Week.

The launch event kick-started a week of activity to raise awareness of the benefits of trees and to encourage people to double the tree cover in South Gloucestershire by 2030, helping to tackle climate change.

Ten trees were planted at the ceremony to mark the occasion, with South Gloucestershire Council set to work with town and parish councils in the area to plant a thousand more over the winter planting season. A mixture broadleaf trees will be planted including Oak, Birch and Chestnut.

Guided walks will take place at local nature reserves and open spaces during the week to highlight the benefits of trees and raise awareness of the need to plant many more for the future health of our environment.

South Gloucestershire Tree week runs in tandem with National Tree Week, which is celebration of trees and their vital importance to the environment and the planet.

Chair of South Gloucestershire Council, Cllr Brian Allinson said: “It is a great honour to launch the first ever South Gloucestershire Tree Week here at Warmley Forest Park. Trees remove harmful carbon from the atmosphere and are an essential ally in the fight against climate change, so it fills me with positivity for the future that so many children, families and members of the community are here to launch a week of activity.

“Planting the right trees in the right places will provide a multitude of benefits including supporting local wildlife and helping to reduce the impacts of climate change. We will be working closely with schools, local communities and town and parish councils to plant many more trees over the coming years so this is a significant event which is the start something extremely important for all of our futures.”

There are also plans to plant an additional 5,000 trees on council-owned land in six parishes during the winter planting season.

To find out more about South Gloucestershire Tree Week visit