Recycle every week from 19 June


From Monday 19 June South Gloucestershire households will be able to put all of their recycling containers out for collection every week with their food recycling bin instead of every two weeks. Black bins for non-recyclable waste and green bins for garden waste will continue to be emptied every fortnight.

Like many other local authorities, we are introducing smaller black bins for non-recyclable waste for the majority of households. The current black bins will be replaced later in the year. The old bins will be collected and sent for recycling.

The changes are taking place to encourage more recycling with a simpler collection service and reducing the size of the black bins. Analysis of black bin waste has shown that over 50 per cent could be recycled from home and the changes aim to maximise recycling from households to meet long term financial and environmental targets. For more information about our targets visit

Residents will still need to sort their recycling for collection but can choose to use their existing containers or green boxes instead of bags for plastics and cardboard. The weekly collections will mean there are fewer containers to store at home, whilst encouraging more people to use the service.

Additional boxes are available and can be collected from one of our recycling roadshows. Boxes will also be available for collection at the Sort It recycling centres between 5pm and 6pm every day from Monday 5 June to Friday 9 June. The Sort It recycling centres are located at:
Collett Way, Yate, BS37 5NL
Carsons Road, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LL
Short Way, Thornbury, BS35 3UT
Station Road, Little Stoke, BS34 6HP.

Support will be provided to people who need help with their black bin waste once the weekly collections begin from 19 June.

Information about the changes has also been delivered to households with the new collections calendar and is available at