Play Street scheme comes to South Gloucestershire

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A new pilot Play Street initiative has been launched in South Gloucestershire and from 2 July applications are welcomed from residents who are interested in holding a play scheme in their street.

Play Street schemes enable residents to apply for and manage a temporary road closure for the purposes of children’s play, offering a great way to make neighbourhoods more child friendly, bring people together and encourage physical activity.

Any South Gloucestershire resident that is interested in holding a Play Street event in their neighbourhood can apply by visiting

Residents of suitable streets are invited to submit applications by 13 August 2018 to hold Play Street sessions during the period of 10 September and 31 December 2018.

Our Play Street scheme is suitable for residential streets with low amounts of traffic such as cul-de-sacs and no through roads, minor roads serving cul-de-sacs and hamlets. Unsuitable streets include those on a bus route, or any with scheduled road works.

Cabinet Member for Public Health Cllr Erica Williams said: “Residents have said they would like to see street play schemes come to the area so we are delighted to be able to launch this pilot, with funding from South Gloucestershire Council’s Public Health department.
“Research has found that street play schemes such as this can help reduce social isolation and also lessen health inequalities across the population. They also provide a really fun way for people to meet their neighbours whilst their children get some exercise, and hopefully help to develop stronger communities.”

How to apply
South Gloucestershire residents who would like to hold a Play Street can make an application to the council for a Temporary Play Street Order (TPSO). For this pilot scheme, applications need to be received by 13 August 2018. Play Street sessions can be held on agreed dates and times:
• for up to two hours
• no more than once a week
• outside of school time and in daylight hours
• between 10 September and 31 December 2018.

Applicants will also be required to consult (using approved template letters) with residents and local businesses prior to application.

Visit our website to apply

For more info on ‘Playing Out’ visit