Planning application submitted for M49 Junction Link Road

An aerial view of the M49 junction

South Gloucestershire Council has submitted a planning application for the new M49 junction link road.

Since taking the lead on the key strategic transport project in late 2021 the council has been working to progress the new link road as quickly as possible.

The link road will create direct access from the Severnside industrial and enterprise area to the motorway network and help relieve congestion on local roads.

As well as building the link road, further improvements will also be made to an adjacent cycle path which is part of the National Cycle Network.

The link will unlock significant benefits for South Gloucestershire’s business and local communities and will help build upon the economic potential of the area.

The Council has secured £7million of funding from the Department for Transport to deliver the project, and is working closely with stakeholders to progress the new link road to the west of the M49 junction as quickly as possible.

Construction work is due to start on site later in 2023, but this timeframe could be subject to change and is dependent on the planning process and land ownership discussions. Construction is expected to last approximately 12 months.

The council continues to work proactively with landowners to secure the land as quickly as possible. In order to achieve this Cabinet will be considering progression of Compulsory Purchase Order processes at its meeting on 10 February, whilst the council continues with positive negotiations with the respective landowners.

Councillor Steve Reade, cabinet member with responsibility for planning and transport, said: “We remain committed to getting this link road built and this planning application is an important milestone to getting this done.

“Once constructed, the new link road will relieve congestion, making South Gloucestershire roads safer and provide vital access to help realise the economic potential of the Avonmouth Severnside Enterprise Area.”

The Local Planning Authority will shortly launch a public consultation, providing an opportunity for people to comment on the application which will be available to view online at

The new link road will continue the council’s ambitious programme of transport improvement schemes aimed at getting the road network across the district ready for major new housing and business developments, as well as making sustainable travel options a more attractive choice.

For more information and to keep up-to-date with the latest developments, visit: